Wednesday, December 12, 2007

How's the war - Part 2

It can be heard many voices about the war. But then, how is it going?

I post here the more objective opinions on the news of the war forehead.
For your comfort, I divided the material in two parts: this is the second one, located on the other part of the trench.

PART II - What they say there. Face to face with the Leader of all the terrorists.
(Second interview broadcasted - it seems - from the JC Television, documented by Nerman J. Buster, translated from the TrueWords Agency and reported - by having heard voices about it - by Gino Scrapazza) The interviewer tells that for a pure case he has the possibility to carry out the service, and in the turn of a month he finds himself nowhere in the desert. In the village in which he has his appointment with the personality, the life seems to proceed normally. He's escorted in a fatiscente house and, seated on pillows awfully crunched, begins the interview. The interlocutor orders something to eat.

LEADER - How are you, infidel.
INTERVIEWER - Katmandu to you too. Thanks for inviting me. So, how the attacks goes?
LEADER - Not bad. The researches on the assailantion proceeds with good human resources: the last graduated guys have the innovative spirit that serves the cause…
INTERVIEWER - Excuse me… what graduated?
LEADER - Our graduated. You know, the university of Sciences of the Assailantion to the enemies of Allah…
INTERVIEWER - This is a scoop! You have universities for kamikaze? At this point I guess that the question that comes into my mind would be easy for anyone, if you allow me…
LEADER - Sure, sure.
INTERVIEWER - It's the admitting number limited?
LEADER - Obviously it is! Have you got an idea of how many requests we receive? (he laughs) Here we all are evil, anyone would like to enter in our schools!
He claps his hands. In response, another man, up to now hidden, opens a red curtain behind of him and enters the room. He carries a saucer with embryos of birds.
LEADER - Infidel, do you wish to eat an egg?
Another clap.
LEADER - Gimme the salt, for Allah!
INTERVIEWER - So you invest in a consistent way in this field. But what are the motivations of such efforts? What moves your cultural system to the vanguard of the terrorism?
LEADER - Well, of course the international competition; on the other hand, the evilness. After the bomb-men, we plan more advanced degrees of specialization. In future there could be bomb-engineers, as an example. Then bomb-doctors, bomb-philosophers, bomb-pacifists and so on… the better assailants have generous scholarships.
INTERVIEWER - I begin to understand. But why you're always in your countries?
LEADER - I could call it laziness, someway. You have absurd climates: wind, cold, rain. Our country is more comfortable, more warm and dry. Fortunately, you're so simple to come ours to make us attacking! Great Allah!
INTERVIEWER - Well, this is with no doubt our weak point. It would be enough that we leave, and all your efforts, your investments, would end in a cloud of smoke…
LEADER - Impossible: you're way too good.
INTERVIEWER - Touché… Listen, I would like to know your relationship with the mass media.
LEADER - I see. Your people what kind of relationship has with it?
INTERVIEWER - You may know that to us tv and newspapers are necessary parts of the freedom and democracy…
LEADER - Then I don't like'em! (he laughs) And those journalists carry misfortune, it seems to me. Every time a bombing ends, they comes. Just a moon ago, the iron working factory just outside the capital was in full production, but it did not interest to nobody. In the turn of a morning it's been shaved to the ground, and there were a dozen of television cameras around! Perhaps they have not well understood as it works… it's been be a serious loss to us.
INTERVIEWER - Bhe, our media has already cleared that the target was to diminish the smog in your city. Target that, anyway, is been caught up…
The terrorist leader crushes a mosquito, with a crack of the palms.
LEADER - Die, for Allah!
The second man enters the room again, bringing woven accurately withdrawn. The leader stands up and approaches him. He makes a callback signal to me, to have my attention. He wears a dark red mantle. On the back it is embroidered in black a shape of a demonic head, written inside with "Enfant Terrible". He makes a couple of turns while i'm looking. Then he removes the mantle and wears some sort of priest apron, with yellow and black bands, with a red pointed hood. Frontally, the bands are interrupted by the phrase "Leader of the Terrorists".
LEADER - This evening I got a party of beneficence for the victims of the freedom. Which dress you think is better for it, infidel?
INTERVIEWER - Man, I don't know…
LEADER - C'mon, (losing his patience) do not hesitate. As an example, to me the hood seems more evil, but perhaps is too much childish… what you think?
INTERVIEWER -… it seems evil also to me… what if you wear a mask?
My suggestion seems to have hit him. He raises a finger, as underwriting what I said. He takes, then, from a bag rested between the pillows, a silver goblet. He gives me the item.
LEADER - Well. Time to say goodbye. Take it, infidel, take away with you this evil gift.
INTERVIEWER - Thank you. I accept this respectfully, excellence.
Then I open my bag and show the gifts that I have carried for this occasion. I put down my cargo of small mirrors and colored pearls on the table at which we were seated.
At that point, the end of the world begins: I'm submergeed by violent words, screamed by the old man with swollen veins on his throat. I don't understand the meaning of it, since the interpreter escaped quick as a chip. It's been just a miracle if I've successfully thrown myself outside the hut and flown on the old jeep of the interpreter.
And, while we ran for our lives, it seemed to me to notice a three headed fire-shooting dragon behind us.

The registrations to the Sciences of the Assailantion University are opened from September to November. Good evilness is required and also the curriculum of the studies. The registration will be ratified after a previous test (the admitting-list will be published within November 30 on the website of the university).
